Dennis Daugherty, PhD, PAS

Founder and Nutritionist

Located – Denair, CA

“My goal was to establish a progressive, independent and service oriented consulting firm and to provide ever expanding services beyond simply formulating rations.”


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ruminant Nutrition, Phi Kappa Phi, June 1981 Oregon State University, Corvallis
  • Master of Science, Ruminant Nutrition, August 1978 Oregon State University, Corvallis
  • Bachelor Science, Animal Science, June 1975 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Professional Affiliations

  • American Society of Animal Science, Champagne, Illinois, 1976 – present
  • American Dairy Science Association, Champagne, Illinois, 1980 – present
  • American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, Champagne, Illinois, 1988 – present
  • American College of Animal Nutrition, Charter Diplomat, Champagne, Illinois, 1995 – present